There are many ways to communicate ideas. Whether written, drawn or performed, information can take any shape from one person to the next. Comprehension is unique to the individual and can often alter the original message being conveyed. Through this work-in-progress, the process in which images are relayed from conception to reception becomes a vehicle which alters and loses information. The state in which each piece is sent is not the state in which each piece is received.

The Holy Bible is one of the most miscommunicated texts in the world. It circulates throughout many countries where its meaning can change through language, culture, the group and the individual. These serial studies have been created in an attempt to translate personal comprehension of its content through visual interpretation. By breaking down each book's chapters into individual studies, symbols and images are extracted and re-contextualized. The post office acts as an intermediary to communicate these interpretations and subject each piece to an element of unpredictability. Whether this element is a machine, rain or human, each piece has exposure to abuse which is beyond one's control. Just as the Holy Bible has changed through linguistics and its evolution in use, so does each piece through uncontrollable factors and the receiver's interpretation. Like a game of telephone, information is passed along and altered through individual perspective.